Friday, May 3, 2013

Daenerys Targaryen - khaleesi

Daenerys Targaryen, Khal Drogo's wife

Daenerys Targaryen, known as Daenerys Stormborn or Dany, is the last confirmed member of the ancient Targaryen DynastyHer marriage to Khal Drogo was a turning point for her; adapting to life in a Dothraki khalasar was difficult, but it allowed her to begin to achieve independence from her abusive brother, and she emerged from the experience as a strong, confident, courageous woman. Nevertheless, she has not forgotten what it was like to be a victimized child, and her experiences have left her with a compassion that is unusual in a would-be conqueror. She is determined to bring justice through her reign, and has made ending slavery a particular priority. Despite her strong moral compass, however, she is capable of dealing ruthlessly with her enemies.
Drogo is a powerful warlord and feared warrior. He marriesDaenerys Targaryen and subsequently grows to love her. He promises to retake the Seven Kingdoms for her after she survives an assassination attempt. He raids a Lhazareen village to take slaves to fund the planned invasion. He took a small wound during the sack of the village and is treated by the godswife and maegiMirri Maz Duur. His wound festers and he becomes gravely unwell. Daenerys asks Mirri Maz Duur to save him using blood magic but Mirri Maz Duur uses a spell that leaves him in a vegetative state in revenge for the destruction of her village. Daenerys ends his suffering herself and burns Duur alive on his funeral pyre. Daenerys walks into the flames with her dragon eggs, but survives the inferno and hatches three dragons.

Khal Drogo

Drogo is a major character in the first season. He is played by starring cast member Jason Momoa and debuts in the series premiere. Drogo is a khal or chieftain of the Dothraki people and is often referred to with his full title, Khal Drogo.